
Equipment Status
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To build top products with top technology and equipment.

       Top-grade technology and equipment must be available for building top-grade products. In recent years,Sammyung Precision has imported a myriad of sets of advanced equipment abroad, including testing devices,automatic nickel plating equipment,welding fixtures,and cleaning facilities,etc. Through intorduction of excellent production technology and advanced equipment and over years of efforts, the company has now taken an extremely high level in terms of specialized production of original parts sealed with metal glass and is enjoying a good prestige inside the industrial sector.

奉节县| 雅江县| 东兰县| 清苑县| 崇礼县| 五河县| 平度市| 吉林省| 大渡口区| 桂林市| 普陀区| 衡东县| 卢湾区| 久治县| 从江县| 土默特左旗| 松原市| 江津市| 洛川县| 寿阳县| 台中县| 视频| 呼图壁县| 安丘市| 汕头市| 九龙县| 永兴县| 淮滨县| 松溪县| 馆陶县| 连南| 思茅市| 绵阳市| 东源县| 武川县| 永德县| 安陆市| 伊吾县| 通河县| 石棉县| 外汇|