
Equipment Status
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To build top products with top technology and equipment.

       Top-grade technology and equipment must be available for building top-grade products. In recent years,Sammyung Precision has imported a myriad of sets of advanced equipment abroad, including testing devices,automatic nickel plating equipment,welding fixtures,and cleaning facilities,etc. Through intorduction of excellent production technology and advanced equipment and over years of efforts, the company has now taken an extremely high level in terms of specialized production of original parts sealed with metal glass and is enjoying a good prestige inside the industrial sector.

建湖县| 蛟河市| 玛沁县| 阿拉善右旗| 上饶县| 抚州市| 葫芦岛市| 宜黄县| 江达县| 开原市| 靖宇县| 常宁市| 司法| 古浪县| 邵阳市| 石楼县| 乌鲁木齐县| 淅川县| 梁平县| 江北区| 乡城县| 且末县| 子长县| 永川市| 武城县| 郸城县| 任丘市| 榕江县| 阳信县| 肃宁县| 安溪县| 温宿县| 虹口区| 收藏| 江西省| 牙克石市| 浦县| 荆州市| 沈丘县| 鄂州市| 泉州市|